Hey sis! So it's 2019 and you find yourself here again with a list of new resolutions but don't know where to start? Well we can help you cross your hair off the list with some simple tips that will revive your hair routine. Check it out below
1. Stick to a routine, the grass is not always green
Being natural on social media you see a fair share of what to do in order to grow your natural hair. This can be a good thing because you may be well informed but this can also be a bad thing because there is such a thing as too much information. All this info can lead to the temptation to try out a new routine instead of sticking to a routine that may currently be working for you. In 2019 try not to get too caught up with the new "natural hair trend" and just stay consistent with your current routine because if it's not broken why fix it.
2. Focus on health not length
Sometimes it may feel like your hair isn't growing when you are too focused on measuring every inch. Focus on the health of your hair not the length, as long as your hair is healthy it will always be beautiful no matter how long or short you choose to wear it. If you feel like your hair may not be as healthy as you would like, try adding a protein treatment in your routine along with a light trim to revive your fro.
3. Embrace your texture
We cannot stress enough how important it is to embrace your texture. Especially us naturals with a kinkier texture. Getting too caught up with defining your curls can lead to over manipulation which will eventually lead to breakage. This leads us to #4
4. Leave over manipulation in 2018
Protective styles such as braids are awesome but can also lead to over manipulation. If you want to switch up your look try, protective style updo, protective style wigs or crotchet braids instead.
5. Water is Bae
If you are not drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water daily in 2019 then you might as well return to 2018 because water is BAE! Being well hydrated not only clears your skin and grows your hair but it also makes you feel GREAT!
For more tips check out our natural hair guide BOOK CLICK HERE. Now only $10