In developing our flower child curls line of natural hair products the goal was not just to make it natural, but to go the step further and create products that actually incorporate the earth. Yes the earth you can dig up with your hands and sift through your fingers! We set out to replace the function of certain common harmful chemicals found in commercial products with natural earth based ingredients that can actually do the same work but at a significantly healthier capacity.
Our clay shampoo uses its powerful negative charge to attract and clear away the positive charge of buildup, while not stripping the protective oil produced by the scalp, unlike harmful/drying sulfates. Soap berries (which come from the soap berry trees) release natural saponin (cleansing agent) and can also be found in the shampoo and conditioner.
The conditioner also includes Moringa oil which is an amazing oil that increases hair health. Our Leave-in conditioner is infused with aloe vera and many other ingredients that attracts just enough moisture into the hair. Lastly our oil is very similar to the natural oils released by the scalp, which means it will seal in moisture while creating the ideal environment your natural hair needs.
So after 2 years of perfecting our recipe it's finally here! Thank you to all of our friends and family who have supported us along this journey so far and thank you to all of our customers and followers who continue to support our brand. CLICK here to shop.
Yewande — August 20 2016
Excited to try these products out!