October 20 2014
October 20 2014

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Adrianna Briscoe — June 8 2015
Hi. I would love a wig because I am very found of coseplay and such. I mainly want a wig to start make short flims. You see, I love being creative and I want to make flims to inspire others. I want to make inspirational films for young ones and elders. My goal is to make an impact on society. You may be wondering why do i need wigs and such. Well heres my answer, imagination. To become someone else and use that to show amd tell the moral of a story. Anyway thank you. I hope you’ll consider me.
Dorothy west — March 8 2015
I know there’s people out there more deserving of a wig then me, but I love to cosplay and I would love to just have wigs.
migena. — February 27 2015
i want wig giveaway for this stardoll(migena.)please give them to meeee
jelani — December 19 2014
hello my name is jelani stevenson and i will keep the reason why i want to win short and sweet about a year ago i had a bad experience with a home perm witch caused me to have to cut all 10 inches of my hair off to the root i am 17 years old and my father and mother find it ridiculous to pay for me to have a wig that they say may get damaged in less then a month. having a wig would really help me get my self esteem back.
jelani — December 19 2014
hello my name is jelani stevenson and i will keep the reason why i want to win short and sweet about a year ago i had a bad experience with a home perm witch caused me to have to cut all 10 inches of my hair off to the root i am 17 years old and my father and mother find it ridiculous to pay for me to have a wig that they say may get damaged in less then a month. having a wig would really help me get my self esteem back.
Yukita Manuel — December 7 2014
I’d love to win a wig simply because its not on our household budget to get my hair fixed but a wig is forever.
zoey — December 1 2014
Hi , my names zoey. I’m 15 years old. I would love a beautiful long wig because my hair is short. Damaged and falling out. Nothing works. Because if my recent health problems and my body not having enough nutrients for hair growth I’m not growing hair that well anywhere on my body. As good as that may sound. I miss being able to do my hair without worrying about it just falling out. I guess this hair would give me more confidence in public considering I do online school. I’m tired of wearing a hat all the time. I want to be able to go places with confidence. I know hair isn’t that big of a deal to most people but to me it is. For once I’d like to feel beautiful. Bald is beautiful too of course. But personally for me it would just push Me back into the shell I’ve been trying so hard to get out of. I have a learning disorder so it makes schooling very hard . My mother works two jobs and is barely home. She also has a gambling issue. Money is tight considering my father lives here but he isn’t much of a contributer with his drinking habits and he’d rather be outside then be home. My mom has student loans and bills and gas to pay and everything and I understand. Plus with Me easily getting sick and ect. My mother also has a stress disorder that causes her to pull hair from her, head , eyebrows , and eye lashes. I also slightly have that same problem. I have broken heart syndrome , and dysmthia. I’ve also recently had strep , irritable bowel syndrome and a urinary tract infection all at the same time. So between the pain from all that and the shots and medication I’ve been pulling hair which is only making things worse. This wig will only be a constant reminder that one day when I learn to stop pulling and have better health , I’ll have long hair and no longer need a wig to feel beautiful. I understand I may have a slim chance to be picked. But there’s nothing wrong in taking a chance.
Abi — November 27 2014
I would like to win because you both inspire me to take care of my hair and also strive to be entrepreneurial. I literally stalk your website to see when the organic range is coming out and i really want to start an organic skin care line and seeing you guys do your own thing inspires me considering this was Abby’s changed career choice. its great to see how much you have accomplished
Dominique Riley — November 26 2014
Hi Abby and Ivy! I would love to win the Zoe wig because I am a huge fan of you all. You all have inspired me to take my life into my own hands. Being a recent graduate in chemistry, I thought my career options were limited. However, looking at your YouTube videos and blog, and learning that you are finance and biology graduates, I finally am taking the proper steps to become a perfumist and to start my own fashion blog. And I think I would look fabolous on my blog and conducting business in a Zoe wig. Once again, thank you for being an inspiration and great platform for young ladies like me who look up to. Have a great day!! Oh yea, congrats Abby on your engagement!!!!!
M — November 17 2014
Hi Abby & Ivie, I have been watching yall videos on youtube for awhile now. I have been interested in your wigs since I subscribed to your channel but I haven’t had the money to buy one. I would like to change up my hair since I have been stuck putting in a bun because I over processed my hair and had to cut it all off.
Jenean Faulkner — November 10 2014
I would love to win this wig because it so pretty, I’ve been wanting to try your hair for a while now but I don’t have the money to buy it & I like trying out new things especially hair! Also I could wear the wig as a protective style to protect my natural hair, I would be so happy if I won this beautiful wig! Thanks for this giveaway :)
Faith — November 9 2014
I love your products. Just went through a few serious setbacks with my own hair and would love to have a chance to win one of these wigs.
Asia Lewis — November 5 2014
Hi Catherine Marion! I’ve been a faithful youtube subscriber to Abby since you first started out with the Janet King Yaky sew in which has been my go to hair for a while. It seems like it’s the only hair that blends well with my 4C texture. I recently relaxed my hair, hated it, and now I’m transitioning back with wigs, braids, and sew ins. Lately, because of school and work, I haven’t had the time to take care of my hair properly. I’m also very busy wedding planning and would love to rock a CM for my wedding on December 27th 2014! I would greatly appreciate this wig and would do my best to take care of it so that I can have it for a long time.
Ericka — October 25 2014
I would love to win a Catherine Marion wig because I greatly admire your quality hair products. You have evolved so much since your YouTube videos featuring Abby and I am so proud that I chose a wonderful ambitious group of women to support. You have been there for me when I had to go on a girls night, a hot date, the office meeting, the grocery store, or even relaxing at home with my daughter. Thank you for letting me carefully study how you do you sew in’s, and thank you for creating a beauty brand that understands my hair and lifestyle. It would be a great honor to win a Catherine Marion crown.
Efuru Okororie — October 22 2014
Hi!! I would like to win this giveaway because I am IN LOVE with your products! I bought the Jessica U-part Wig a while ago for my sister, and she look great with it. She has 4C hair and the wig looks like it is hers. I am grateful that I found out about you guys!!
P.S.- I don’t have a Twitter, but I followed you on other social media!
Ang — October 22 2014
I would like to win because I really want to try one of your wig but I am a broke student lol.
Alexis Hyde — October 21 2014
I would like to win because I really want to try something new. I recently went natural and there isn’t much that I can do with my hair at the moment. So I think that this wig would be something different and be a great protective style while I am growing my hair out. Also I am really interested in trying one of your wigs.
Lorre — October 21 2014
Hello! I would love to win this month’s giveaway because I would love to be able to protect my hair with the winter coming. My very tightly coiled 4c hair has been breaking for a while due to stress and other issues and I want to be able to protect my hair and keep it healthy. This wig would allow my hair to get a break from manipulation (because box braids seem to irritate my scalp for some reason). I would love the opportunity to use this beautiful unit. Thank you for this giveaway opportunity!!
Social Media:
Instagram: JustMeLorrz
Twitter: Justmelorrz
Facebook: Lor Re
Maximilienne — October 21 2014
Hello! I’d like to win because I’ve been wearing a curly look for some months now. Natural hair is meant to be versatile, and in staying with that, I would love to rock a straight look, without damaging my own tresses. Protective styles and moisture have allowed my hair to grow so much and with my new Zoe wig I can accomplish just that, retaining healthy natural hair!
Ayana Simmons — October 21 2014
I remember seeing your YouTube channel when you first started out. I was desperate to find a way to sew my own hair in at home and when I stumbled upon your channel I thought, “yes!” I would like to win by only because I understand the importance of loving yourself naturally but like you when I first big chopped I desired the length of longer hair but loved the idea of being so versatile. I would love the ombré boho wig because my hair is about 3b/3c and so I never really felt like at my short I. Between stage my twistouts were as full and curl octopus as everyone else’s. I’m currently on my 3rd big chop! I’ve been wearing protective styles and one of you wigs as natural as they look would be perfect to maintain a straight or curly look without having to over manipulate! Good luck to everyone and I hope I’m the lucky winner!